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"I tested it with the saleswoman": an employee fired for having sex on a show bed


Highlights: A saleswoman of Le Roi du Matelas in Boulogne-sur-Mer has been entangled in a legal case for having made love on an exhibition bed. A secret revealed by a former colleague and malicious lover. In revenge, the saleswoman's former lover revealed to the head of the bedding shop that he had sex with several people. The case has been remanded on appeal for the time being. The Court of Appeal held that dismissal for serious misconduct was "devoid of real and serious cause"

In revenge, the saleswoman's former lover revealed to the head of the bedding shop that he had sex with several people.

It's a story to sleep up! For nearly 6 years, a saleswoman of the store Le Roi du Matelas in Boulogne-sur-Mer has been entangled in a legal case for having made love on an exhibition bed, as told by our colleagues from L'Informer. A secret revealed by a former colleague and malicious lover.

On January 18, 2017, David M. sent an email to the store manager explaining that he was the lover of Céline D., a saleswoman. He claims to have had sex with her on several occasions on the display mats.

An exchange of 2,000 euros?

In addition to this accusation, he provides pictures of the undressed saleswoman inside the store and reports on her performance on the site's review platform: "Do not hesitate to buy the Darwin mattress. I tested it a good ten times with the saleswoman of the store of Boulogne-sur-Mer, it is great but do not buy the exhibition we screwed it in the air! »

Informed by her superior, the saleswoman does not dispute the facts according to the brand and resigns at first before reversing her decision. She was dismissed two weeks later for serious misconduct.

❌ An employee of the company Le Roi du Matelas fired for having sex on a show bed.

Accused by a spurned lover, the seller of the bedding sign denies the facts and contests his dismissal.

✍️ @GenselPauline

— The Informed (@LInforme_) August 21, 2023

But the matter is far, far from ending there. Céline D. will, in court, deny at all costs the alleged facts and will even ask for damages. Add to this, a complaint against her former lover whom she accuses of harassment and death threats, himself having already been fired for serious misconduct by The King of the Mattress in 2013 after a verbal joust with his hierarchy.

For a time, David M. also returned, in a statement, on his first accusations of sexual relations before renouncing again. "I had made this certificate in exchange for 2000 euros in case of victory at the prud'hommes," he still explains according to L'Informer.

An "irrepressible desire" according to the judges

In the end, in June 2021, Céline D. won, on appeal, after losing the first round at the prud'hommes. The Court of Appeal held that dismissal for serious misconduct was "devoid of real and serious cause" regardless of the veracity of the facts. But it's not all over. It would seem that the judges were a little light in their decision.

The dismissal of the mattress saleswoman whose former lover sent her boss photos revealing that he had made love to her several times on the exhibition beds is devoid of any real and serious cause.

Court of Appeal of Douai, 25 June 2021, No. 19/00958

— Legal Curiosities (@CJuridiques) August 22, 2023

The Court of Cassation has just quashed the judgment for "the use of terms incompatible with the requirement of impartiality". In particular, it stated that the saleswoman was "driven by the irrepressible desire to appreciate the exhibition mattresses in their true measure" because of a "flawless professional conscience". The case has been remanded on appeal for the time being.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2023-08-22

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